Note: These are my feelings on this. My emotions are expressed within. If this hits a raw note with anyone- I apologize. I do not mean to offend. I just felt like I needed to write this out, to look back at it one day, and to remember and grow.
I read this amazing article on, and it resonated a cord with me. First of all, the author is young. As she writes, she is 19 years old, or at least, she was 19 when her father was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. And the second thing is that her faith in G-d is so powerful and strong that it continues to flourish, even at a time in her life when many might lose their faith.
She says that her father commonly paraphrases something from the Chafetz Chaim:
Let me ask you, if you’re on the train and you want it to go faster, are you going to go outside and push it?”
“Of course not. That would be pointless. So stop trying to push the train.”
In life, there are problems. There are curveballs. There are times when I've stood outside in the cold Jerusalem night and railed against G-d. How could He do this to me? What did I do wrong? How could life be this way? And, I've made bargains. Just like she did. I've stood in a home and screamed and sobbed to G-d. Told Him the pain I was in. Told Him how I didn't deserve it. Told Him how if only it would be better, I would be a better person.
And it's only my faith in G-d that kept me going. There was nothing else I could do, no one else I could turn to. G-d was the only Being in the Universe who was in control, not me. And I prayed. I prayed like I had never prayed before. I recited countless chapters of Tehillim. I prayed in my own words, in English, to G-d.
And you know what? G-d answered me. I saw Him pushing the train, and I realized it was in G-d's hands. I'm not saying G-d's answers were exactly what I had wanted. But G-d did give me some measure of hope.
I have felt despair. I have felt like my life as I knew it was about to end. I have felt the loss of hope, the darkness that the Yetzer Hara contrives, all of it, for myself and for others. A friend once called me during one of the darkest hours of my life, of which she knew nothing about, and talked blithely about her upcoming wedding and shower gifts. Little did she know that I couldn't even comprehend what she was talking about- as my life as I knew it was shattering into pieces.
But throughout it all- it was G-d running the train. It's like Tzipi Caton's book- Miracle Ride- He's calling all the shots. G-d is running the train, and there is nothing else to do sometimes- but turn to Him. For Hashem is always there for us, and as such, there is always hope.
1 day ago
Wow. Thanks for the link and for this post. It came at the perfect time.
I think also, the point isn't even what the answer is - the point is that you turn to Hashem and strengthen your trust in Him and realize so clearly that NO ONE else can do anything to change your situation but HIM!! When things are rough, it just makes you realize so clearly that there is no one else in the world to turn to but Hashem!
Itsagift- My pleasure. Very true- that we all can turn to Hashem and recognize that He's running the show- that itself gives hope.
That's beautiful.
I just wrote a post about faith, and I wish I could sound as strong as you. Thank you for making me feel stronger.
Mystery Woman- I'm so glad to hear I inspired someone. I reread this post again just now- and it sounds rather dark to me. But if you're taking lessons about faith from it, it makes me feel like it was worth writing. Thank you.
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