Random fact #152: I just cleaned my computer today, and it's sparkling! Nothing better than a clean screen and keys.
Now, back to my post.
One of my guests has decided to move to Israel in the near future, and therefore, she is taking Ulpan.
For those of you who don't know, Ulpan is the language acquisition program started by Israel, in order to integrate (that would be integratzionia) new immigrants to the wonders of the Hebrew language.
For me, it's pure entertainment. They have a whole section on "Mi Lo Yodea Ivrit" (Who doesn't know Hebrew?!) which is full of words that are written in Hebrew, but sound exactly like English.
Examples? Well: Pizza, Physica, Matamatica, Beera, Sucar, Psychologia, Universita, and so on.
(For those who didn't get that, that would be: Pizza, Physics, Mathematics, Beer, Sugar, Psychology, University.)
Instantly, I burst out with "Milah o' Lo Milah" courtesty of Benjy.
And we had a few uprorious laughs about " Ani Studentit B'Ulpan B'Yerushalaim. Ani Lomedet Ivrit B'Yerushalayim. Ani Lo Studentit B'Anglit B'Ulpan...and so on." After all, these new students only know a few words, so therefore, they've got to make sentences with what they've got. Absolutely engrossing and scintillating conversation, no?
But Ulpan is truly a blessing- it is a fast, easy, and basically free course for new immigrants, which throws them into the deep end, and they come out rolling their r's and all.
However, I've gotten my own crash course in other words in Ivrit, simply by living here. After all, living next to 7 children who all speak fluent Hebrew and English is bound to be an education in itself.
They have taught me Pachit (a can of soda, as in, "I would love a Pachit, do you happen to have one laying around for me? And me? And me?).
The word Nozelet comes up a lot (as in, Ugh, she has nozelet- get her a tissue!).
And of course, for the school age children, I've learnt words like 'X and Igul', (knots and crosses for you British people out there).
'Tasim V" (as in, make a check around the correct word, or "NMF #7 , could you do my homework for me, and Tasim V around the right ones?")
And of course, Kaftorim (the small button like candies I keep around the house for sugar emergencies.)
As my neighbor, the mother of all these cuties says, "You're getting a real education here, NMF #7!" And all without Ulpan!
1 day ago
Would that we were all, lulei demistafina, well-versed in Ivrit.
I would enjoy very much to speak fluent hebrew. Fortunately there's google translate which make me sound like a pro.
thanks for visiting my blog and your words of support. I hope you'll visit again.
ClooJew- Just come to Israel and enroll in Ulpan, then you'll have no problem.
Lvnsm27- I've found Google Translate is not always accurate (like the Grenade sign in Machne Yehuda advertising Rimon juice), but the only way to truly be fluent is to immerse yourself in the language.
RivkA- I've been a long time lurker on your blog, but it was my first time actually commenting.
That's cool how your learning words just from being there. When I went to Israel for Pesach I didn't even try to use Hebrew words, I only spoke in English.
My grandparents though have made alyah a few years ago. They have been going to Israel every year for Succos and Pesach (they took turns taking a different grand child each year) till then. They have been going to an Ulpan class all those years in New York. My grandmother used to write stories about us for her Ulpan class. She had a workbook, she used to work on, I remember as a kid looking at it, wow memories. Any case, now that their in Israel they still go to the Ulpan class. I would imagine they know Hebrew pretty well by now, but I guess they like going for the social aspect of it, maybe.
Jewish Side- Well, when you live here, you kind of have to pick up some Hebrew.
And that's cool about the Ulpan; it must be so interesting to keep studying the language, and the social aspect as well! Yasher Kochem!
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