Okay, I admit it- there is one thing that will drive me off the wall in Israel- the Misrad HaPnim- Ministry of the Interior.
I can't imagine that American bureaucracy is as hard to access, hard to get in, and hard to deal with.
I had to renew my visa to stay here in Israel- and it took me four days of staying on the single phone number, with single operator, in order to get an appointment for a month away.
New Olim that go there have been told to come back 6 months later for their first Teudat Zehut, (Israeli identity card), and the number system there never seems to call your number, only the number 100 digits away.
Enough griping though- this is supposed to be positive- so here goes. During my last two experiences at the Misrad HaPnim, I actually did not have such a soul-wrenching time.
I went to get a visa for me and my husband- and I only had a copy of my marriage certificate, not the real thing.
But they let me get one anyway!
I then tried to make a visa appointment for someone else- and I actually got through after 8 rings on the telephone line!
So- there is hope in the darkness!
Pnim means interior- the inside workings of the government. I think that how you handle yourself in the Misrad HaPnim tells a lot about the 'inside' of the person. Are you going to scream at all the employees there when you're told that because you're missing a document you have to come back in 3 months- or are you going to choose to accept, or quietly argue, without causing a scene?
It's a test of character- one I hope to pass!
1 day ago
i think israel is on top of the list for worst beuracracy.
everyone knows you should go with all your sewing that you need to finish, and ALOT of patience...
Top of the list- it surpasses the list!
Patience is a virtue, they say.
If only it was that easy when they send me from room 205-208 and back again, and then refuse to answer any questions.
It gets kinda funny actually- I stood outside the office that was answering the phone calls- and asked for an appointment.
They told me- nope- must call the number. So I called from a cellphone- and I heard the conversation from the other side of the wall- telling me the next appointment was 3 months away. :)
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