It's the end of an era. That year that everyone talks about, is coming to an end. Today, in fact.
1. It's the year where your husband doesn't learn night seder (yeah right, Mr. NMF has been learning it since we got married, with my full permission)
2. It's the year where the husband is supposed to be M'sameach his wife- make his wife happy. (What, that doesn't apply any other year?!)
3. It's the year where both the husband and the wife are out of contact with the universe (nope, I can say I kept up with everyone who kept up with me :-) and then some.)
4. "Eh, newlywed, what do you know? How can you know anything when you're in Shana Rishona?"
That's all over now. (I'm still quite a newlywed, don't tell me otherwise. My neighbor tells me it applies for the next 5 years or so. And I still need tons of advice and help.)
It's the year where we had NBD- a major, and wonderful bracha that I thank G-d for every day.
It's the year of growth, of building a foundation.
A year of togetherness, of sharing a life, of working things out.
A year of coming to a greater understanding of one another.
It's shocking no? I can't even believe it myself. One year ago today, on Rosh Chodesh Nissan, I stood under a chuppah together with Mr. NMF, and got married according to the laws of Moshe and Israel. One year ago today, I danced like there was no tomorrow, and listened to my first Sheva Brachos. (How come we picked the only Rosh Chodesh that we had to fast on, huh?)
It's been a wonderful year filled with it's share of ups and downs. Let's see, we've been in 3 states for longer than a day, and about 10 or more for less than a day. We've been in 2 countries, several times. We've taken countless airplane flights, only some of which we made it on time to. (And, we've only had to pay overweight a few times :-D) We've lived in 3 different apartments. (Yes, that kitchen was a 2x4. I know. I measured it.)
We've celebrated 11 monthly anniversaries- some with a cake, some with a smile, some with a "What, that's today?"
So what have I gained from this year? I've gained immensely, somethings that I can't even articulate. So I won't right now, and save some of them for next year, iy"H!
So Happy Anniversary, Mr. NMF!! May we have many more together, until Meah V'Esrim- 120! (L'fachos- at least- right? :-D)
1 day ago
nice post!!
mazel tov :)
Mazel tov!! IY"H you should be zoche to many more, each as happy as this one!
ANd hopefully soon we'll all come join you on the "other side"
Mazel Tov :)
happy anniversary!
i had a rebbi who at their first anniversary asked his wife if she would like anything, she answered another year of shana rishona. he said yes, and 50 years later they still are in shana rishona
Mazel tov!
Tembow- Thanks!
SD- Amen! And, waiting for you all on the 'other side'- as you call it- but enjoy the side you're on first! The grass may look greener- but both sides have flowers!
Ezzie- Thanks!
Harry-er- Thanks! That's a great story! I hope to have many more years of Shana Rishona!
Dry Eyes- Thanks!
Mazal tov!
mazel tov!
Mazal tov....on the anniversary, that is.
But this is only the beginning...
Mrs. S.- Thanks!
Miss Teacher- Thanks!
Chanie- what, beginnings aren't good? But thanks!
Mazal tov on your anniversary and on NBD!
wow, that was a really touching post, Mazel Tov on your anniversary!
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