Families share a lot of good times in their lives- but with that also comes sharing other things.
Last week, Mr. NMF got sick, then with heaping helpings of chicken soup and tea, he got better. Now, it seems, it's my turn. I'm just starting to feel almost better- complete with extra tea made by Mr. NMF (see- taking turns being sick works out for everyone!).
Then, my neighbor's daughter comes down with some nasty bug, and she nursed her back to health. Then my neighbor (Neighbor #1) fell sick. (Wow- it has truly been a LONG week.) She was really sick- stuck in bed, can't do much of anything, antibiotics sick.
I stopped over there, when I was feeling better, and saw Neighbor #2 cooking toast for Neighbor #1's kids, because Neighbor #1 was in bed and couldn't move. So I figured, hey, I can do something.
So the next night, I sent over a large supper- hot and tasty. (Spaghetti and meatballs, if you wanted to know.) And, thank G-d, today, Neighbor #1 is feeling much better.
It was funny though- because I've lived in places before where I didn't even know my neighbors! I didn't know their names, or how many kids they had, or when their next simcha was. I know that's not a unique concept- that one can know their neighbors outside of Israel, but it was a wonderful thing that we all know each other and are willing to help out when needed.
I was in a taxi, heading home to warm up the spaghetti and meatballs for Neighbor #1, when my taxi driver remarked on how there was absolutely no traffic, despite the fact that it was rush hour.
So, I remarked that it must be that Hashem knew I had to get home to make supper for Neighbor #1 who was sick, and therefore, Hashem cleared the way for me.
He thought about it (note: this taxi driver was not wearing a kippa), and said- that is probably very true. And it is so nice that you're helping Neighbor #1. I hope there are more people like you out there.
I asked him if his neighbors do things like that- and he says, sometimes, but he doesn't know most of his neighbors. But he's impressed that there exists neighbors who do exhibit these good behaviors.
So, he was happy that he got to his destination quickly, and he wished Neighbor #1 a Refuah Shleimah. I love hearing that from a taxi driver; it never gets old. No matter if they are religious or not, if they are Jewish, they care about other Jews. It's wonderful.
And so ends another OII moment. Or not- as this could happen anywhere. So, find out who your neighbors are, and get involved!
1 day ago
What a nice thing to do! i Wish MY neighbors were like that! And I liked the little story w/the taxi driver.
Shoot, now I want to be your neighbor to :-P
{blushes} KT+Bas Melech- thanks for the compliment.
And Bas Melech- you're welcome to move here and become my neighbor; I'm waiting!
But seriously, I found this isn't just an Israel thing- all neighbors can be like this, no?
When I lived in the US, I knew my neighbor's kitchen cabinets better than my own, since I was over there so often. Although when I lived in certain places, I didn't know my neighbors at all.
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